Application for a trademark in one class. The procedure for registering a trademark under the Banjul Protocol using ARIPO is the following countries is as follows:
Botswana, Cape Verde, Kingdom of Eswatini, The Gambia, Kingdom of Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Sao Tome and Principe, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe
1. Search is conducted in ARIPO internal database only and not in the registry of each member state of the Banjul Protocol 2. If available, prepare an application to register a trademark together with Power of Attorney, representation of the word mark or device mark. 3. Examination process continues, Notice of Acceptance issued. 4. File a proof of advertisement, trademark advertised in the Gazette. 5. If no opposition raised, certificate of registration is issued.
Minimum period from application to certificate of registration: 3 months Maximum period from application to certificate of registration (no opposition): 12 months.
In the event that a registry from a designated state does not respond to the trademark application within 12 months, it is deemed to have been approved and a trademark certificate shall be issued by ARIPO