A trademark is valid for 10 years from the filing date; however, the trademark may be preserved indefinitely through successive renewals which may be done every 10 years.
The applicant has a 6 months grace period (from renewal deadline) within which to file a late renewal application, which is subject to a late renewal surcharge.
As a last resort, the applicant can request for a restoration of its Trademark (given it fell into the public domain due to non-renewal). The applicant has at the latest 2 years (from the late renewal deadline) within which to request for the restoration of the Trademark. Given the nature of this type of request, we recommend that it is filed sooner, than later.
Where applicant does not wish to renew the Trademark in all classes under which the Trademark was registered, it must file a recordal to renounce the products / services classes it does not wish to keep.
The renewal application can be filed during the last year of the 10 year validity period.